The anniversaries of Fikrat Amirov and Haji Zeynalabdin Tagiyev were celebrated at UNESCO
The anniversaries of famous Azerbaijani composer Fikrat Amirov and great philanthropist Haji Zeynalabdin Tagiyev have been included in the UNESCO anniversary program.

AZERTAG reports that within the framework of the 41st General Conference of UNESCO in Paris, the 200th anniversary of the birth of Azerbaijani philanthropist H.Z. Tagiyev (1823–1924) and the 100th anniversary of famous Azerbaijani composer F. Amirov (1922–1984) were included in the UNESCO program of anniversaries for 2022-2023, and it was approved that these anniversaries will be celebrated at the UNESCO level in the international arena.

It should be noted that the tradition of celebrating significant events related to the great personalities of Azerbaijan and the historical and cultural heritage of our country at the UNESCO level has been going on for many years, and in this context, special nomination documents are prepared by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan. This year, as a result of joint activities of the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Permanent Mission to UNESCO and the National Commission for UNESCO, the relevant nomination documents for the anniversaries were submitted to UNESCO. The inclusion of two great personalities of Azerbaijan in the list of anniversaries has been approved by the General Conference, which is another indicator of our country's prestige in UNESCO and in the international arena in general.
The significant events related to Azerbaijan took place at the UNESCO level in November 2021. Lankaran has been included in the UNESCO Network of Creative Cities, Azerbaijan has been elected a member of the UNESCO Executive Board, and our country has chaired the Culture Commission of the 41st General Conference of UNESCO. The inclusion of the anniversaries of Fikrat Amirov and Haji Zeynalabdin Tagiyev in the UNESCO program is a continuation of these significant events.
Shahla Agalarova
Special correspondent of AZERTAG